Investing 101 2.0

Investing 101 2.0

IntroductionIntroductionInvestors To KnowInvestors To KnowThe Investing LibraryThe Investing LibraryTypes of InvestingTypes of InvestingInvesting CurriculumInvesting CurriculumGetting a JobGetting a Job


Investing 101 2.0 is a hub for investors to explore the fundamentals of investing while finding innovative ways to reinvent the way investing is done.
This is the Investing 101 2.0 Wiki. The wiki is an open collaboration from a large group of founders and investors. The purpose is to provide a framework for a "general education" for all things investing. You'll find some pages incomplete; this is a work-in-progress resource.
If you have questions, contributions, or recommendations for the wiki, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out at