Hunting For Internships

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What is this?

This page is for those looking for internships/fellowships in venture capital. As you should know at this point, recruiting in VC is very network-based, very ad-hoc (hiring doesn't happen in a "cycle," usually just when a new fund is raised or if someone is leaving the fund), and very competitive.

Creating Jobs Out of Thin Air

VCs don't often hire interns unless they have a built-in program. So if you're looking for an internship or fellowship at a fund without one of those, you want to ask a VC:

  • What keeps you up at night?
  • What are the things you need to do that you wish you didn't have to?

Figure out how you can address these pain points for the VC, showing that you can indeed provide value to the fund.

Shadow Economy of Jobs

  • Stay top of mind
    • This means building an online presence, a "brand" that others can refer to. Once you've developed your investment thesis, talk about it! Write about your favorite companies in the space, publish your predictions, look for rising stars in that space, so that when the topic comes up with others, they can say: "X knows all about that kind of thing, you should send it to them."
  • Digests
    • Ingest and digest information regularly.
  • Networking calls more focused on profiling their interests

Reaching Out Cold For Jobs

Related: How to Network

Theory of the Natural Selection of Time

Related: The Natural Selection of Time: Guess what? You’re Not Busy.

What People Are Saying
