How To Use Investing 101 2.0

How To Use Investing 101 2.0

Investors To KnowInvestors To Know

The Investing LibraryThe Investing Library

Types of InvestingTypes of Investing

Investing CurriculumInvesting Curriculum

Getting a JobGetting a Job

We don't just wake up one day and say "I want to allocate my time effectively." This is a continuous process.

In the spirit of Investing 101, we want to be a broad resource that you can do to gain entry-level exposure to different kinds of investing. Hopefully there's enough depth to the resources to at least give you an idea of what kind of internship you want to pursue.

However, we want to do more than that (hence the 2.0) and learn to contribute to this living resource. We want it to growth in depth and complexity as a result of your using of it. Feel free to make additions as you feel necessary.

Driven by goals - Starting With WhyStarting With Why

Develop Skills - The Skills You NeedThe Skills You Need

Master Tools - Fundamentals: Financial ToolsFundamentals: Financial Tools

Explain that this is a resource or collection of some of the best content available. It's not meant to be a step by step course